
Using the DVD Player's Menu System
Editing Your Scene Snip Disc Library
The Disc Library consists of a munbered list of titles that have been edited. If no disc title is
available, tire title will he DVD. If you play a disc flom tile disc library he player must he locked in
order for the edits to take aflk_,ct.
to lake effect I
_Remove & Reetore ]
'YOU here 5 discs
avnitable fotsce_e
snip edit.
Th_ IS Where the tWOlines of Contextsenstthte help
W!IIbe Iocaled.
Select a title and highlight Remove &
Restore to remove all edits and restore
the disc to its original version.
How to Edit the Disc Library
1. If the disc is playing, press STOP (the I)\q) Player's main menu
2 Itighl g _ Lock and press OK (the Lock ]neml appears)
3 Highlig at Scelze ,S'*zg_Edit and press OK _.the Scene Snip Disc Library
screen appears).
Note: lbtt mttst edll a i_lollie hc./bre it appeatx ilt the Disc
Library. Movies you have izot edited will not cq_pear ip_the
Library (see chapter 2).
Highlight the title of the movie you want to remove from the list.
Highlight Remove & Restore and press OK.
A message appears asking if you are sure you want to remove all
the edits and restore the disc to the original version.
Highlight Yesand press OK. The disc will be restored to its original
version and removed from the Disc Library.
Press the left arrov,, key to return to the main menu,
Setting the Ratings Limits
The Ratings Limits feature is a rating limit system, sort of like movie ratings. It works with
DVD discs that have been assigned a rating. This helps you control the types of DVDs that
your family watches.
"Note: The pla_er alerts you when you try to play a movie with a rating that exceeds the
limit you've set, Some discs include a rating override feature. When you play a disc with
this feature, the messageOverrtde Limit or Cancel Selection appears o12the screen..1[
you choose to override the rating limit, you will need to enter your password to begin
Changing to a Different Country's Rating System
Some countries use different rating systems. The default for this DVD player is the United
States. You can change to a different country's rating system through the Lock menu.
1. If the disc is playing, press STOP (the DVD Player's main menu is displayed).
2. From the main menu, highlight the Lock option and press OK (the Lock menu appears).
3. Highlight Ratings Limits and press OK (the Ratings Limits menu appears).
4. Highlight Countryand press OK (a list of countries appears).
5. Highlight the country you want to change to and press OK (the country you selected appears
next to the Country path menu).
6. Press the left arrow key to return to the main menu.
Chapter 6 73