Playing Video CDs
Video CD Information Display
Your DVD player gives you several options \_hen playing \kleo CDs, including skipping tracks
The on-screecL lnfo 1)isplay contains tnany playl'_ack features Th,., lnlo Display appears across tile
top of the screen when yotl press tile INF() button on thu remote or file front of the player (while
a disc is playing)L Each !_atLue is represcllted by an iCon. |'se lhe ano\v buttons to move through
the diftOrent icons in the Info l)isp[ay.
Time Display
Index Repeat
Track l Audio
When an icon is highlighted, use the up down arrow buuons to scroll through choices displayed
in the text box.
Remember, you can only access the Info Display when you're playing a disc.
The invalid syl"nbol _ appears on the screen v,'l'_en you press a button that doesn't have any
function. If one of the icons is "grayed out." that feature isn't available for the disc yon're playing
To bring up the Info Display:
1. Press INFO on the remote. The Video CD lnfo Display appears across the top of the scr.een.
2. Press INFO a second time to turn the Info Display off.
Chapter 5 61