
92 LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0)
Chapter 6 - Menu structure and contents
Board PID <id> Displays Product Identification Code of the
selected board.
User 2
Board 12NC #### Displays the last 4 digits of the 12NC of the
selected board.
User 2
Board Status 0..99 Displays the hardware status of the
selected board.
User 2
BootSw Ver. 0..99 Displays the boot software version of the
selected board.
User 2
FPGA Ver. 0..99 Displays the FPGA version of the selected
User 2
Firmw 12NC #### Displays the last 4 digits of the firmware
12NC of the selected board.
User 2
Firmw Status 0..99 Displays the firmware status of the selected
User 2
Firmw Version 0..99 Displays the firmware version of the
selected board.
Serv 1
Softw 12NC #### Displays the last 4 digits of the 12NC of the
selected board.
User 2
Softw Status 0..99 Displays the software status of the selected
User 2
Softw Version 0..99 Displays the software version of the
selected board.
Serv 1
System Status User 2
System Unknown, HD, HD-HS,
SD, Illegal
Displays the system configuration. User 2
Camera Unknown, HD, HD-HS,
SD, Illegal
Displays the camera configuration. User 2
Head HW Unknown, HD, HD-HS,
SD, Illegal
Displays the camera head hardware
User 2
Adaptor Unknown, HD, HD-HS,
SD, Illegal
Displays the adapter configuration. User 2
Basestation Unknown, HD, HD-HS,
SD, Illegal
Displays the base station configuration. User 2
Diagnostics menu (user 2) Value(s) Description Level File