88 LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0)
Chapter 6 - Menu structure and contents
VTR Lens PROD, ENG , Zoom,
Assigns a function to VTR Lens switch:
PROD = Production intercom;
ENG = Engineering intercom;
Zoom = Viewfinder zoom function;
EXT1 = switch to external signal 1;
EXT2 = switch to external signal 2.
User 1 Oper
VTR L. Control Mom., Alt. Selects behaviour of VTR Lens switch:
momentary or alternating.
User 1 Oper
RET Lens Zoom, EXT Assigns a function to RET Lens switch:
Zoom = Viewfinder zoom function;
EXT = switch to external signal (select
source with switch at the rear of the
User 1 Oper
RET Control Mom., Alt. Selects behaviour of RET Lens switch:
momentary or alternating.
User 1 Oper
RET2 Switch Zoom, EXT Assigns a function to RET Lens switch:
Zoom = Viewfinder zoom function;
EXT = switch to external signal (select
source with switch at the rear of the
User 1 Oper
RET2 Control Mom., Alt. Selects behaviour of RET2 Lens switch:
momentary or alternating.
User 1 Oper
Handgrip Left PROD, ENG Selects channel to use with the left button
under the handgrip.
User 1 Oper
Fan Operation User 3
Head Fan Off, On Turns the head fan on or off. Turns itself on
after 120 min. or when temperature is too
User 3 -
Adapter Fan Off, On Turns the head fan on or off. Turns itself on
after 120 min. or when temperature is too
User 3 -
Install (user 0) Value(s) Description Level File