LDK 8000 HDTV camera system User’s Guide (v3.0) 31
Chapter 3 - Configurations
3.3 Camera with TriaxHD adapter and SuperXpander
A camera head with the LDK 5860 TriaxHD adapter can be mounted in the LDK 4488
SuperXpander (or in the LDK 4489 Xpander). This enables large box lenses to be used with the
camera. The LDK 4021 7-inch HDTV viewfinder can be mounted on the SuperXpander.
The camera with the TriaxHD adapter connects to the SuperXpander via a flying lead. The
power supply for the camera is supplied via this lead. The SuperXpander is connected to a
TriaxHD Base Station using a Triax cable. This configuration can be powered either:
– from the Base Station via the Triax cable, or
– locally with the mains power supply connected directly to the SuperXpander.
The maximum length of triax cable that can be used without significant degradation of the
video signal is 1,200 m (4,000 ft.) for a 14 mm Triax cable when the configuation is powered
To control the configuration an OCP 400 operational control panel can be connected directly to
the Base Station using a cross-over Ethernet cable. The Base Station is powered by a mains
power supply.
Figure 3-3. Camera with SuperXpander and TriaxHD adapter
Camera Base Station
Base Station
Cross over
Ethernet cable
video in
Camera head + Triax adapter + SuperXpander
OCP 400