Chapter 4: Working With Windows CE 5.0
Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual 63
Command Prompt
Command Prompt is used to access the DOS command prompt. At the prompt, you can type
DOS commands such as dir to display all the directories in the drive.
Internet Explorer
The Ikôn is equipped with Microsoft Internet Explorer for Windows CE 5.0. You can access
the Internet Options icon through the Start Menu under Settings>Control Panel or by
double-tapping on the desktop Internet Explorer icon.
Remote Connect
Remote Connect is an Ikôn application used to connect to a Windows Terminal Server so
that you can run a “session” on the Server machine using the Ikôn (Windows CE 5.0 de-
vice). “Remote Desktop Connection” on page 77 provides a website with details about this
Windows Explorer
The Windows Explorer installed on your Ikôn is consistent with all Windows CE 5.0 de-
vices. You can access this option from the Start Menu under Programs> Windows Explorer.
4.4.4 Shortcuts
Figure 4.9 Shortcuts Sub-Menu
System Tray
If your touchscreen is not enabled, you can use the System Tray option to access the icons in
the taskbar at the bottom of the screen. The taskbar displays indicators such as a radio signal