
Chapter 2: Basic Checkout
Resetting The Ikôn
26 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
Once you’ve added a phone number to the Phonebook, a list of new commands is available
in the drop-down menu.
You can choose one of the following:
- New Entry - to add another phone number,
- New SMS (Short Message Service) - to send a new SMS,
- Edit Entry - to change an existing name and/or phone number, or
- Delete Entry - to erase an existing phone entry.
•In the Phonebook, highlight the entry with which you want to work.
Choose a command from the drop-down menu, and tap on Execute to carry out
the command.
2.9 Resetting The Ikôn
The Ikôn hardware can be reset in a number of ways, resulting in a cold reset or a
warm reset.
During a cold reset:
Running programs are halted, and any unsaved data in them is lost.
The hardware is reset.
The contents of flash memory, including the registry, custom settings and user-added
programs, are retained.
The OS is reloaded from saved settings.
The contents of RAM are lost, and the RAM disk is reinitialized to its default.