
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
170 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
Decode Performance
If this parameter is enabled, one of three decode levels can be chosen in the Decode Perfor-
mance Level parameter.
Decode Perf. Level
This parameter provides three levels of decode performance or “aggressiveness” for Code
39 symbols. Increasing the performance level reduces the amount of required bar code ori-
entation—this is useful when scanning very long and/or truncated bar codes. Keep in mind
that increased levels reduce decode security.
When you double-tap on this parameter, a dialog box is displayed in which you can enter a
decode performance level of between 1 and 3.
Field Size/Chars
Field Size
The field size is the length of the field after the first character is stripped and the prefix and
suffix characters are added. If the field size is non-zero, only bar codes of that length are
passed through.
Prefix Char
This character, if non-zero, is added before a successfully decoded bar code. Press the key
you want to insert in the dialog box attached to this parameter. The ASCII/Unicode key
value of the keypress is displayed.
Suffix Char
This character, if non-zero, is added after a successfully decoded bar code. Press the key you
want to insert in the dialog box attached to this parameter. The ASCII/Unicode key value of
the keypress is displayed.
Strip Leading
This parameter determines the number of characters that will be removed from the begin-
ning of the bar code before the prefix character is added.
Strip Trailing
The value entered in this parameter determines the number of characters that will be
removed from the end of the bar code before the suffix character is added.
Note: For Code 39 bar codes, the “AIAG Strip” is performed before the “Strip Leading”.