Fiber Optic Light Guides: All Fiber optic light guides contain 19 fibers, 200µm diameter, arranged in
a line pattern at the slit end, and round at the source end.
LG-455-020-1 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 190nm to 1100nm. Requires mount.
LG-455-020-3 UV-VIS Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 190nm to 1100nm. Requires mount.
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 1.0 meter long, for 400nm to 2200nm. Requires mount.
LG-456-020-1 VIS-NIR Fiber Optic Bundle 3.0 meter long, for 400nm to 2200nm. Requires mount.
FC-446-020 Slit mount with horizontal translation capability for 10mm diameter fiber optic bundle.
Connecting Cables
CC-499-1 Cable for IBM-PC or XT compatible computer. 25 pin female connector to 9 pin male connector.
CC-499-2 Cable for IBM-PC AT or compatible computer. 9 pin female connector to 9 pin male connector.
CC-499-3 Computer terminal type connector. 25 pin male connector to 9 pin male connector.
CC-499-4 9-pin cable for Macintosh computer.
CC-499-5 IEEE488 cable, 4 meters long.
If the above cables are not compatible with your system, contact Princeton Instruments
for a custom cable.