Monochromator Wavelength Movement Commands (cont.) :
>NM Similar to NM except it returns control to user immediately rather than waiting for
completion of monochromator wavelength move. Can be used with ?NM or
MONO-?DONE below. This command must be terminated with MONO-STOP listed
below. NOTE: Use the NM command when communication with the monochromator
during the scan is not required.
?NM Returns present wavelength in nm to 0.01nm resolution with units nm appended.
E.G. ?NM 300.00 nm
MONO-?DONE Used with >NM command to determine if monochromator has reached the destination.
Returns 0 if move is not complete, 1 if move is complete.
MONO-STOP Stops the monochromator wavelength move after use of the >NM command.
NM/MIN Returns present scan rate in nm/min to 0.01 nm/min resolution with units nm/min
E.G. ?NM/MIN 100.00 nm/min
Grating Control Commands:
GRATING Places specified grating in position to the wavelength of the wavelength on the present
grating. Up to nine (9) gratings are allowed on three (3) turrets. This command takes
a grating number from 1 - 9. IMPORTANT NOTE: This command assumes that the
correct turret is specified by the TURRET command. For example, using grating
numbers 1, 4 and 7 will place the first grating on the installed turret into that position
and call up the parameters for the grating number specified.
?GRATING Returns the number of gratings presently being used numbered 1 - 9.
?GRATINGS Returns the list of installed gratings with position groove density and blaze.
The present grating is specified with an arrow.
TURRET Specifies the presently installed turret or the turret to be installed.
E.G. If installing the second turret, issue the command 2 TURRET to insure using
the correct parameters.
?TURRET Returns the correctly installed turret numbered 1 - 3.
The following command is used for grating installation by Acton part #:
INSTALL Installs new grating parameters into the non-volatile memory of the Acton SP
monochromator. Uses the part # of the grating to specify the parameters.
E.G. 1-120-500 5 INSTALL places a 1200 g/mm grating blazed at 500nm into the
second grating position on turret #2.