ID-444 MCT IR Detector ( Mercury Cadmium Telluride). Covers 2 - 15 µm, includes power supply,
LN2 Dewar and pre-amplifier.
SC-1 SpectraCard data acquisition system, 16-bit PC expansion card with Windows data
acquisition software.
Filter Wheels and Order Sorting Filter Assemblies
FA-448 Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly. Manual sample indexing, holds up to six samples, each
1.0” diameter.
FA-448-1 Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes 320nm, 590nm, 665nm, and 715nm filters
mounted in FA-448 filter wheel. Manual indexing of filters for elimination of unwanted second
order radiation.
FA-448-2 Motorized Six Position Filter Wheel Assembly, with stepping motor and FA-448-4
controller. Enables indexing via thumb wheel control, or by computer with RS232. Requires
computer with RS232 for computerized operation.
FA-448-3 Motorized Order Sorting Filter Assembly. Includes 320nm, 590nm, 665nm, and 715nm
filters mounted in FA-448-2 filter wheel. Enables computer controlled indexing of order
sorting filters for elimination of unwanted second order radiation. Requires computer with
RS232 for operation.
FA-448-4 Controller Only for FA-448 or 448-1 filter wheel assemblies. Retrofit kit which enables
changing the FA-448 or 448-1 from manual to computer controlled indexing. Requires
FA-448 type filter wheel and computer with RS232 for operation.
488-03 IEEE488 Interface option for Models FA-448-2, FA-448-3 and FA-448-4.
SW-417 Data Acquisition Software Package: Acton data acquisition and scan control software with
graphical user interface. Functions include spectral data acquisition, reflectance,
transmittance, plus storage and printing of acquired data. Data saved in ASCII format.
Requires Acton SP monochromator with SpectraDrive (SD-748) scan system. PS-445 detector
system, PMT detector and a 486 or higher PC-computer with Windows operating system for
operation. Pentium highly recommended for optimum performance.