34 :: Where to learn more
Where to learn more
A quick introduction to your new Treo
• Tutor ia l: The Tutorial teaches you how to use many features of your Treo. It is
already installed on your Treo, and you can launch it any time.
While using your Treo
• Tips: Many of the built-in applications include helpful tips for getting the most out
of your Treo. To view these tips, launch an application, press Menu , then from
the Options menu, choose Tips.
• Information: Many screens have an Information icon in the upper-right corner.
Tap the Information icon with your stylus to learn about the tasks you can perform
on that screen.
• Online support from palmOne: For up-to-date downloads, troubleshooting and
support information, check out www.palmOne.com/support/treo600.
If you need more information
• Books: Many books on Palm Powered devices are available in local or online book
retailers (look in the computers section).
• Online forums: Consult online Treo user discussion groups to swap information
and learn about areas you may find nowhere else.
• Customer service from Verizon: For questions about your mobile account or
features available on the network, contact Verizon for the latest information and
To launch the built-in
1.Press Applications
2.Choose the pick list in
the upper-right, select
3.Choose the Tutorial icon.
4. Follow the onscreen
instructions in the