130 :: Locking your phone and data
Your Treo includes a feature that locks the keyboard, so that screen items and buttons
aren’t accidentally pressed while the phone is in a pocket or bag.
1. With the Treo screen on, press Option and the Screen button to enable
2. To disable Keyguard, press Center.
Auto-Keyguard and touchscreen lockout
Auto-Keyguard lets you automatically lock the keyboard after a period of inactivity.
1. Press Applications Launcher .
2. Choose the pick list in the upper-right corner, then select All.
3. Choose the Prefs icon.
4. Choose the pick list in the upper-right corner, then select Keyguard.
5. Set any of the following preferences:
• Auto-Keyguard: The period of inactivity that passes before the keyboard
automatically locks.
• Disable touchscreen when: The conditions in which the touchscreen disables.
To change your password,
choose the Password box,
enter your current
password, then enter the
new password. To delete
your password, choose the
Password box, then choose