
172 :: Index
serial cables 28
short messaging. See SMS
messaging; text
shortcuts 21, 51, 139
Show Due Dates option 90
signal strength 11, 37, 144
signals 33
silencing the ringer 41, 116, 120
silent alarms 83, 120
sit files 106
SMS button 9
SMS messaging 53, 68, 71, 72
Snooze option 69, 76
soft resets 141
software 7, 28, 30, 140
See also applications
Sort by Date command 71
Sort by Name command 71
multimedia messages 78
text messages 71
To Do List items 90
sound clips 74, 75
sound files 74
Sound Mode Off option 41
sounds 41, 120, 128
See also alarms; music;
Sounds icon 117
speaker 10
speakerphone 11, 44, 154
special characters 24, 25
specifications 54, 111, 175
speed dial button 52
Spkr-phone button 44
stand by 37
applications 26, 112
Blazer Web Browser 55
built-in tutorial 34
statistical functions (calculator) 96
status icons (text messages) 70
stereo adapters 54
data 32, 111
Treo handset 10
stylus 8, 14, 20, 22
support 34
symbols 24, 25, 68
synchronization software 7, 28, 30
synchronizing data 28, 31, 147–149
system resets 141
system sounds 41, 120, 128
taking pictures 63
tasks. See To Do List
technical support 34
temperature conversions 96
templates 74
See also messages; notes
copying 60
finding on web pages 61, 99
in reverse type 19, 20
multimedia messages and 74,
selecting 20
text fields 19, 20
text messages
addressing 68, 72
creating 68
deleting 71, 72
dialing from 40, 70
receiving 69
replying to multimedia
messages with
sending 68, 70, 71
setting preferences for 72
sorting 71
troubleshooting 146
viewing status of 70
text selection tools 19, 20
third-party applications 106, 108,
124, 152, 153
third-party software 18, 31
three-way calling 46
time 93, 94, 126
time formats 127
time slots (events) 82, 86
time zones 126
timestamps 72
tips 34