
Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006
Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 01/31/01
Before you call for support, review the checklist below to further
diagnose the problem, or even to solve the problem without further
q Have you recently modified your system? Is it possible to return
to the original configuration?
q Have you upgraded your operating system? a driver file?
q What is the exact error message received? What were you doing
(under what conditions) when the error occurred? Does the error
occur frequently? constantly?
q Does every user account experience the same problem? (Does
an operator have a problem but your super-user does not?)
q Windows NT offers an Event Log that may provide useful
information. On the NT Desktop, click on the Start button, then
Programs / Administrative Tools (Common) / Event Viewer.
Review each event logged at approximately the same time that
you experienced the problem in Newpoint Compass.