Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006
Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01
Reinstalling Newpoint Compass
In rare instances, you may need to reinstall Newpoint Compass to
replace corrupt or lost files. (These problems are usually caused by
hardware failures.) If you must reinstall the program, insert your
Newpoint Compass CD ROM and proceed as if you were installing
the program for the first time.
Compass detects all previously installed versions (even the same
version) and stops the installation process to ask you if you wish to
upgrade the current install or to reinstall a new system.
If you Repair to upgrade, you can select or deselect Compass
components to install (in previous versions, this was called a Custom
Installation). Select Modify to perform a complete reinstallation of
all Compass components (this was a Complete Installation in
previous versions). Neither method will cause damage to customized
files in your system.
Figure 23 Maintenance Options
This method is the only recommended way to upgrade between
versions of Compass or to reinstall the program over an existing