Newpoint Technologies, Inc. COMP-USER-006
Salem, NH 03079 Rev. 3.2 –01/31/01
Windows NT maintains its own Event Log, that records
events as they occur on the PC. To access the Event Log,
click on the Start button on the Windows NT Desktop.
Select Programs, then Administrative Tools (Common).
On the Tools list, select the Event Viewer, and from the Log
menu, select the Application Log. The following Compass
actions prompt additions to the NT Event Log:
Each time you reboot your computer, the log displays
“ Notice – fepcmd, the operating system has been shutdown,
shutdown initiated.”
If you are using an improperly authorized key, or it is in
Demo mode, the log displays
“Notice – fepcmd, allocated demo time has expired,
shutdown initiated” after four hours of continuous use of
If you purposely stop the Newpoint Compass Service in
the NT Services Administrator, the log displays
“Notice – fepcmd, the Windows NT service has been
Each of these events, if they occur frequently, can add several
entries to the Windows NT Event Log. We recommend that
you occasionally review and purge the Log, to preserve
available hard drive storage space. You may find other
Compass-related events on the Log, but these are the most
Refer to your Windows NT documentation for procedures to
view and remove records from the Log.