Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-37
vlan id name name
This command allows you to assign a free-form name name to a VLAN specified by id.
vlan id network { none | lan | eth2 | eth3 | eth4 | eth5 | eth6 | eth7 }
This command allows you to define what additional LAN (ALAN) network is associated with the VLAN specified
by id.
vlan id id { 1 .. 4094 }
This command allows you to change the VLAN ID, which will effectively require you to refer to the VLAN by its
new VID after issuing this command.
Beginning with Firmware Version 8.7, a VID of zero (0) is permitted on the Ethernet WAN port only.
vlan id 8021x authprofile { authprofile tag name | authprofile id }
This command allows you to enable 802.1x authentication for the VLAN specified by id. This option is only
supported on Router models with VGx technology or single Ethernet port models. If you are configuring a VLAN
for a Motorola Netopia
Router model with VGx technology (wired or wireless), you can specify a RADIUS server
authentication profile for user authentication. This command allows you to associate a VLAN with an 802.1x
RADIUS authentication profile. You must create an authentication profile, if you have not already done so. See
“RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on page 2-39.
Note: If you enable 802.1x for a VLAN that includes a wireless SSID, you must set wireless privacy to
WPA-802.1x as well. See “Wireless Privacy Commands (new and revised)” on page 2-91. If multiple SSIDs are
split across several VLANs, the VLANs must either:
• all have 802.1x enabled with WPA-802.1x enabled in Wireless Privacy, or
• have the VLANs set to 802.1x disabled and wireless privacy set to some other privacy setting. In that case
wireless privacy can be any setting.
Wireless does not currently support separate privacy modes per SSID. When enabling WPA-802.1x, wireless will
default to the RADIUS configuration (see “RADIUS Authentication Profile configuration commands” on
page 2-39), unless it is part of a VLAN. If it is part of a VLAN it will use the VLAN authentication profile's
specified RADIUS server.
vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n } tag { yes | no }
[ tos-priority { off | on -} ]
[ iptos-promote { off | on } ]
[ authprofile { name | id } ]
[ inter-vlan-routing { group-1... group-8 } enable { yes | no } ]
no vlan id interface eth { 1 | 2 | 0/1 | 0/...n }
These commands allow you to create or delete a VLAN specified by id on an Ethernet interface indicated by its
interface number. The option eth 1 = Ethernet LAN; eth 2 = Ethernet WAN, where applicable. If the Motorola
Router model is a non-VGx model, the only available Ethernet port is numbered 0/1; for multiple
managed-switch VGx models the number n is the number of the physical Ethernet port.
■ tos-priority - allows you to enable or disable packet prioritization based on any 802.1p priority bits in the
VLAN header to prioritize packets within the Router’s internal queues, according to DiffServ priority