Motorola Netopia® Router CLI Commands 2-99
schedule id enable ( yes | no )
This command allows you to enable or disable the specified Scheduled Connection.
schedule id frequency ( weekly | once )
This command allows you to specify whether the Scheduled Connection is to be invoked weekly or only once.
schedule id type ( force-up | force-down | demand-allowed | demand-block | periodic | random-retry )
This command allows you to specify the Scheduled Connection type:
■ force-up – this connection will be maintained whether or not there is a demand call on the line.
■ force-down – this connection will be torn down or blocked whether or not there is a demand call on the line.
■ demand-allowed – this schedule will permit a demand call on the line.
■ demand-block – this schedule will prevent a demand call on the line.
■ periodic – the connection is retried several times during the scheduled time.
■ random-retry – operates as follows:
First, it will wait 0 to 60 seconds before starting, then it will try three times to bring the connection up as
quickly as possible;
Second, on each successive retry after these first three attempts it will wait a random number of seconds
between zero and a user-specified maximum.
Should the connection come up, and subsequently go down, the Scheduled Connection will start over with
three retries. Switched connections have a variable redial back-off time depending on the interface type.
Consequently, the first three attempts for such connections will be slower. Once the connection is up it will
be forced to remain up.
Scheduled Connections Configuration Commands
schedule id enable ( yes | no )
schedule id frequency ( weekly | once )
schedule id type ( force-up | force-down | demand-allowed | demand-block | periodic | random-retry )
schedule id periodic interval ( 15min | 30min | 1hour | 2hour | 3hour | 4hour | 4hour | 8hour )
schedule id random interval { xxx }
schedule id cp cp_name
schedule id date ( sunday | monday | tuesday | wednesday | thursday | friday | saturday |
weekdays | weekends | everyday )
schedule id start time HH:MM ( am | pm )