5-8 Command Line Interface Commands Reference
; error -147: too many tokens
This error indicates that you entered more items than are allowed as part of the command. This could result
from failing to quote a string value that contains one or more spaces.
#cp 1 telco dn 555 1212
; error -147: unexpected text following command
#cp 1 telco dn "555 1212"
#sh cp 1 telco dn
cp 1 telco dn "555 1212"
; error -148: text too short
This error indicates that you supplied a string value that is shorter than the minimum permissible length for a
string item.
; error -149: no such subnet
This error indicates that you specified (or implicitly referenced) an unknown subnet.
#show interface ethernet 0 ip address
interface ethernet 0 ip address
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve range
#interface ethernet 0 address-serve gateway
; error -149: no such subnet
; error -150 not allowed for this particular item
This error indicates that you attempted an operation that might succeed on a different item in the same array
but isn't valid for the specified item.
; error -151 no item matching name exists
This error indicates that you specified an item when no item with that name exists.
; error -152 hex digits only, 0-9 or a-f or A-F
This error indicates that you entered a string for an item that permits only hexadecimal entries, i.e. 0–9 or a–f
or A–F.