How to use the output signals (assigned terminals
DO1 to DO3, ABC) (Pr. 190 to Pr. 192, Pr. 195)
0 to 99: Positive logic, 100 to 199: Negative logic
32 132 Y32
Regenerative status
For vector control
33 133 RY2 Operation ready 2
Output on completion of pre-excitation. Turned on at an output start when pre-
excitation is not made.
34 134 LS Low speed output Output when the speed falls to or below any preset low speed.
35 135 TU Torque detection
Output when the motor torque rises above the predetermined value (Pr.864).
(Refer to page 182.)
36 136 Y36 In-position
Acts as an in-position signal.
37 137 MT
Maintenance timer
Refer to Pr. 890 to Pr. 892 (maintenance output function) (page 187).
39 139 Y39
Start time tuning
Output on completion of start time tuning
40 140 Y40 Trace status Acts as a trace completion signal.
41 141 FB Speed detection
Output when the motor output speed (feed back value) exceeds the preset
Perform in the same way as FU, FU2 and FU3 under V/F control.
42 142 FB2
Second speed
43 143 FB3
Third speed
44 144 RUN2
Inverter running 2
• Output during forward rotation or the reverse rotation signal is on.
• Output at deceleration even during forward rotation or the reverse rotation
signal is off. (Does not output during pre-excitation LX is on.)
• Output during the orientation command signal (X22) is on.
• Switched on when the servo is on (LX-on) under position cotrol. (Switched
off when the servo is off. (LX-off)
96 196 REM Remote output Refer to Pr. 495 to Pr.497 (page 168).
97 197 ER Minor fault output 2
At occurrence of a major fault, the base circuit is shut off immediately. At
occurrence of a minor fault, the base circuit is shut off after deceleration to a
98 198 LF Minor fault output Output when a minor fault (fan fault or communication error alarm) occurs.
99 199 ABC Alarm output
Output when the inverter's protective function is activated to stop the output (major
9999 —— No function —
Function Operation