Operation selection functions 5 (Pr. 875)
3.38 Operation selection functions 5 (Pr. 875)
3.38.1 Fault definition (Pr. 875 )
3.39 Control system function 2 (Pr. 877 to Pr. 881)
3.39.1 Speed feed forward control, model adaptive speed control
(Pr. 877 to Pr. 881 )
Refer to page 49 for details.
With the alarm definitions classified into major and minor faults, the base circuit is shut off immediately at
occurrence of a major fault, or after deceleration to a stop at occurrence of a minor fault.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
875 Fault definition 0 0, 1 Extended mode
1) Pr. 875 = 0: Normal operation
At occurrence of any alarm, the base circuit is shut off
immediately. At this time, the alarm output also turns on.
2) Pr. 875 = 1: Fault definition
At occurrence of OHT or THM alarm, the motor is decelerated
to a stop. At this time, minor fault output 2 (ER) signal turns on
and the base circuit is shut off when the DC brake operation
starts after deceleration.
When the ER signal turns on, the electronic thermal relay
function is activated and the inverter decelerates to a stop.
Decrease load, etc. to allow the inverter to decelerate.
At occurrence of an alarm other than OHT or THM, the base
circuit is shut off immediately.
Pr.876 Refer to Pr.9 (page 80).
By making parameter setting, select the speed feed forward control or model adaptive speed control.
The speed feed forward control enhances the trackability of the motor in response to a speed command
The model adaptive speed control enables individual adjustment of speed trackability and motor disturbance
torque response.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range
Speed feed forward control/model
adaptive speed control selection
0 0, 1, 2
878 Speed feed forward filter 0s 0 to 1s
879 Speed feed forward torque limit 150% 0 to 400%
880 Load inertia ratio 7 0, 1 to 200 times
881 Speed feed forward gain 0% 0 to 1000%
speed torque
This function is invalid during position control.
The value "0" is recommended for the system in which
the motor continues running without deceleration due to
a large torque on the load side.
E.OHT display
OHT occurrence
Minor fault
output 2
speed position