Additional functions (Pr. 851 to Pr. 865)
3.34.5 Torque detection (Pr. 864 )
3.34.6 Low speed detection (Pr. 865 )
This function outputs a signal if the motor torque rises to or above the Pr. 864 setting.
The signal is used as operation and open signal for an electromagnetic brake.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
864 Torque detection 150% 0 to 400% Extended mode
The signal turns on when the output torque rises
to or above the detection torque value set in Pr.
It turns off when the torque falls below the
detection torque value.
Related parameters
TU signal terminal assignment ⇒ Set "35" in any of Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 and Pr. 195 (output terminal function selection).
(Refer to page 152.)
This function outputs a signal if the speed falls to or below the Pr. 865 setting.
Parameter Name Factory Setting Setting Range Remarks
865 Low speed detection 45r/min 0 to 3600r/min Extended mode
The signal is output during inverter operation under the
following conditions.
(1) Vector control
Motor speed ≤ Pr. 865 ... ON
Motor speed > Pr. 865 ... OFF
(2) V/F control
Output speed ≤ Pr. 865 speed equivalent ... ON
Output speed > Pr. 865 speed equivalent ... OFF
When "0" is set, low speed detection (LS signal) is output under position control only.
Related parameters
LS signal terminal assignment ⇒ Set "34" in any of Pr. 190 to Pr. 192 and Pr. 195 (output terminal function selection).
(Refer to page 152.)
Pr. 866 Refer to Pr. 55 (page 100)
speed torque position
Output torque
Torque detection
TU signal
speed torque position
Low speed detection
LS signal
Output speed