U23841-J-Z915-6-76 27
Producing Output with Xprint V7.0 Using Xprint V7.0 options
Xprint V7.0 always defines its printable area by means of the logical page
specified with the options -pl (page length) and -ll (line length). The margin
options -tm (top margin) and -lm (left margin) can also be used for defining the
printable area within the physical page. If only the margin settings -tm and -lm
are specified, the bottom and right margin of the logical page are defined via the
non-printable area. If a logical page is not given, the size of the printable area is
calculated from the size of the physical page (-ph for the page height, -pw for the
page width) minus the non-printable margins.
-lm left_margin
This option specifies the width of the left margin in inches (i), centimeters
(c) or millimeters (m) or, if no unit is specified, in characters.
-ll line_length
This option defines the maximum length of a print line, which indirectly
also determines the right margin. This can also be specified in inches (i),
centimeters (c) or millimeters (m). If no measurement is specified and no
left margin is defined, the value is interpreted as the number of
characters per line. If no value is specified, the page width specified with
the -pw option minus the printer-specific non-printable margin widths is
This option is controlled by the option -wm (wrap mode), i.e. the line length
is modified if the printable line length is exceeded. For more information
refer to the “Xprint V7.0 - Reference Manual”.
-tm top_margin
This option is used to specify the width of the top margin in inches (i),
centimeters (c) or millimeters (m) or, if no unit is specified, in characters.
-pl page_length
This option defines the maximum length of a printed page, and thus
indirectly also the bottom margin. This can also be specified in inches (i),
centimeters (c) or millimeters (m). If no measurement is specified, the
value is interpreted as the number of lines per page. If no value is
specified and no top margin is defined, the page height specified with the
-ph option minus the printer-specific non-printable top and bottom
margins is used.
Depending on the printer, the margins on the printout may differ from the
set values. Therefore it is advisable to print a sample copy first in order
to adjust the values for the printer. Also bear in mind that the printable
area is controlled by the -wm option (wrap mode) of the xpadd -job