U23841-J-Z915-6-76 223
Interoperability Gateways
To configure a gateway connection from the local host hudson to host purple of
another Xprint V7.0 domain:
xpadd -gtw GTW_hudson -tp LOCAL -ho hudson -np TCP \
-pp GIP2 - ga 5300 -aa
xpadd -gtw GTW_purple -tp PARTNER -ho purple -ga 5300 \
-bl GTW_hudson -np TCP -pp GIP2
xpmod -gtw GTW_hudson -ag GTW_purple
xpchange -gtw GTW_hudson
7.3.5 Gateways to DPRINT spoolers
Gateways to DPRINT spoolers allow the users of the local Xprint V7.0 domain
to access printers connected to BS2000 mainframes on which the spooler
system DPRINT is installed. Vice versa, they can also be used to allow users of
such BS2000 mainframes to access the printers of the local Xprint V7.0 domain.
The following figure shows the basic structure of such a gateway connection
and the possibilities it offers:
Figure 16: Gateway connection to DPRINT spoolers