168 U23841-J-Z915-6-76
Administering filters Configuring Xprint V7.0
6.10.3 Modifying the attributes of a filter
With the xpmod -flt command you can modify the attributes of any filter you
administer. This may be useful if the filter is to be administered from another
host or if you want the filter to be accessible on more hosts than were defined
● Enter the following command:
xpmod -flt [selection] modifications
For selection you can either specify a list of filters you want to modify, or you
can use the -scl “selection_criteria_list” option (see section “Selection
criteria list” on page 266 in the Appendix) to define a list of criteria according
to which the relevant filters are selected. If you do not specify selection, all
filters are modified.
For modifications specify the values you want to modify or add. The options
correspond to the options that can be used when adding a filter to the Xprint
V7.0 system. There is, however, the following restriction: The option -tp
filter_type cannot be modified with the xpmod -flt command.
– To make the filter LandA2 available also on the hosts colorado and nile:
xpmod -flt LandA2 -ho+ colorado nile
– You want to modify all filters supporting POSTSCRIPT so that they are admin-
istered by the new host colorado:
xpmod -flt -scl "-pc POSTSCRIPT" -ah nile