Start Menu Program Options 77
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
Access: Start | Programs | Communication
Note: Some communication menu options require an external modem connection to the mobile
device. Modems are not available from LXE nor supported by LXE.
After a connect setup is selected, Start | Programs | Communication | Connect will start to
connect to a host. After this connection is made and an ActiveSync relationship established, the
ActiveSync menu item can be used to establish the connection over the network link.
See Chapter 1 “Introduction” section titled “ActiveSync”.
After a connect setup is selected, Start | Programs | Communication | Connect will start to
connect to a host. Connect is used to initiate a cabled connection to a host. Several pre-defined
connect setups are included in the factory setup:
• COM1 direct connect at 57600 or 115200 baud
• Infrared connect at 57600 or 115200 baud
• COM3 direct connect at 57600 or 115200 baud
• USB direct connect
The default connect setup is USB direct connect.
Select "Make New Connection" and follow the instructions on the screen to create a connection
while following the directions in the section titled "Backup Data Files using ActiveSync" later in
this chapter.
See Also: Chapter 1 “Introduction”, section titled “ActiveSync”, subsection titled “Cold Boot and
Loss of Host Re-connection”
Start FTP Server / Stop FTP Server
These shortcuts call the Services Manager to start and stop the FTP server. The server defaults to
Off (for security) unless it is explicitly turned on from the menu.
Start | Programs | Communication | Start FTP Server
Start | Programs | Communication | Stop FTP Server