When to Use This Guide 7
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
When to Use This Guide
As the reference for LXE’s MX3X / MX3-RFID computer, this guide provides detailed
information on its features and functionality. Use this reference guide as you would any other
source book – reading portions to learn about the device and it’s capabillities, and then referring to
it when you need more information about a particular subject. This guide takes you through all
aspects of installation and configuration.
Instruction and safety information for the general user are contained in the “MX3X User’s Guide.”
This chapter, “Introduction”, describes this reference guide’s structure, contains setup and
installation instruction, briefly describes data entry processes, and explains how to get help.
Chapter 2 “Physical Description and Layout”, describes the function and layout of the
configuration, controls and connectors. Power sources and battery charging stations are included
in this chapter.
Chapter 3 “System Configuration” takes you through the system setup and file structure.
Chapter 4 “Scanner” describes the function, layout and setup for the LXE Wedge.
Chapter 5 “Wireless Network Configuration” details 2.4GHz wireless device setup.
Configuration for WEP and WPA is included.
Chapter 6 “AppLock” is a self-contained chapter covering all aspects of the LXE AppLock
program. A mobile device running AppLock becomes a dedicated, single or multiple application
Appendix A “Key Maps” describes the keypress sequences for the QWERTY keypad.
Appendix B “Technical Specifications” lists technical and environmental specifications for the
mobile device.
Document Conventions
ALL CAPS All caps are used to represent disk directories, file names, and application names.
Menu | Choice
Rather than use the phrase “choose the Save command from the File menu”, this guide uses the
convention “choose File | Save”.
Indicates the title of a book, chapter or a section within a chapter (for example, “Document
< > Indicates a key on the keypad (for example, <Enter> ).
Indicates a reference to other documentation.
Keyword that indicates vital or pivotal information to follow.
Attention symbol that indicates vital or pivotal information to follow. Also, when marked on product,
means to refer to the manual or user’s guide.
International fuse replacement symbol. When marked on the product, the label includes fuse ratings
in volts (v) and amperes (a) for the product.
Note: Keyword that indicates immediately relevant information.
Keyword that indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, may result in minor or
moderate injury.
Keyword that indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death
or serious injury.
Keyword that indicates a imminent hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or
serious injury.