Enter Data 29
E-EQ-MX3XRG-H MX3X Reference Guide
Entering Data
Data is entered into the mobile device by speaking into the headset’s microphone when prompted.
Please contact your System Administrator if assistance is needed with the voice software installed
on the mobile device.
Tethered Scanner
Do not connect a tethered scanner cable to a USB-C or USB-H labeled endcap port. The USB
ports cannot power a tethered scanner.
Tethered scanners connect to RS232-labeled ports on the endcap and, for the MX3X only, can
connect to the RS232 port on a powered cradle.
The Scan buttons have no effect on tethered barcode scanners (connected to the RS232 labelled
serial port). Tethered scanners read barcode scans only when the trigger on the tethered scanner is
pressed. The tethered scanner requires power on pin 9 of the RS232 serial port.
To set the mobile device to use a tethered scanner, select Start | Settings | Control Panel |
Scanner | COM1 (or 2 or 3).
Tap the “Power on Pin 9 (+5V)” checkbox for the COM port selected. The COM port that accepts
the scanner data can be configured for data rate, parity, stop bits and data bits.
See Also: Section titled “Tethered Scanner and Cradles” when using a tethered scanner with a
MX3P and the MX3 Cradles
The MX3P does not fit in the standard MX3 powered cradles. There is a passive vehicle cradle
available for the MX3P that secures the device to the cradle only. See section titled “Accessories”.
Main battery charging and host communication is not available directly through the passive
vehicle cradle. The passive vehicle cradle does not have LEDs or indicators. It does not accept DC
power connection. The MX3P can be directly connected to external power through the power jack
located on the mobile device’s endcap. Host communication is available wirelessly while the
mobile device is secured in the passive vehicle cradle.