6.1 HyperTerminal
The Switch has a smart function that you can use to manage your local area network (LAN) more effectively. You can also use
the default setting to operate the Switch as a dumb switch.
If you want to use smart function, install the Switch as below:
Usethe “RS-232”connector to connect the Switch to acomputer. Connect One(1) cable end to the Switch, and connect the
other end to the computer’s “COM1” or “COM2” port.
Note: If your Windows program doesn’t have a hyper terminal, you have to install it first.
Execute the “HyperTerminal” program:
Start Menu ! Application Program ! Communication ! Hyper Terminal
Setup the connection content of Hyper Terminal:
In connection tag, select which “COM” port is used to connect PC and the Switch.
Then pressthe “SETUP” button, set“Bits per second” to38400, “Data bits” to 8,“Parity”toNone,“Stopbits”to1,“Flow
control” to None.