7.6 VLAN Configuration
The VLAN Configuration sets up the VLAN configuration of this switch. The Switch supports 32 VLANs in four pages. Each
VLAN can have an ID with range 1-4094, 0 and 4095 are standard reservation. Member set in the same VLAN can be
untagged or tagged. Incoming untagged packet will be assigned Port VID of that port. Following is the configuration screen for
VLAN function.
Each VLAN has a VLAN ID and a list of members. For each VLAN, a letter is used for specific port to represent the relation of
that port to the VLAN.
Initially all ports are PVID 1. To add a new VLAN, press the <Add> Command. The following screen appears:
To add a new VLAN, input the new VLAN ID, edit the member set and untag set of this VLAN. Press <OK> to complete this
When you want to modify existed VLAN configuration, just press <enter> when cursor is on that VLAN. Display will enter
Modify VLAN. Here user can use arrow key to move to target position that needs to be modified. VLAN can only be deleted at
this moment. A confirmation message appears on status bar. Press <Y/N> to complete process.
Move to <Config> and press <enter> activates the new VLAN setting and stays in this screen. Move to <Return> and press
<enter> completes modification and returns to the VLAN Configuration screen.