In the “System Configuration” menu, you can setup the following settings.
Item default explanation
Password admin
(A string)
The login password.
Aging time 300
(Integer, in seconds)
Forwarding table aging period
Aging Time value is between 0~65000.
Logout time 0
(Integer, in minutes)
Set the automatic logout time. The console will be
automatically logged out if idle time period over this
Logout Time value is between 0~255.
Auto refresh time 12
(Integer, in seconds)
Many console screens contain data that can be
updated constantly. This parameter controls the time
between each screen update.
Auto Refresh Time value is between 0~255.
7.3 Port Configuration
When you go into the “Port Configuration” sub-menu, the current state will be scanned for all 8 ports of the Switch and shown
on the screen as follow:
The Port Configuration Screen provides configurable setting and current status for each port. For each Ethernet port, following
settings are available:
Item Type default selections Explanation
Port R N/A N/A You can select from 1 to 8 port for setting up.
Link Status R N/A N/A Port Link status. If the port links, it shows “On”
else “Off”.
R/W Enabled Enabled
Port transmission enable/disable.
Preferred Port speed and duplexsetting.
Auto-Nego Auto-Negotiation
10HDX 10BASE-T, Half-Duplex mode
10FDX 10BASE-T, Full-Duplex mode
100TX-HDX 100BASE-TX, Half-Duplex mode
100TX-FDX 100BASE-TX, Full-Duplex mode
Type Config R/W Auto-Nego
1GB-FDX 1000BASE-T, Full-Duplex mode
Current Type R N/A N/A Current Status of the link speed and duplex
with link partner.
Flow control mode selection.
Off No Flow-Control
BothWay Accept Pause frame and issue Pause frame.
SendOnly Only issue Pause frame and ignore received
Flow Control R/W Off
Rcv/BothWay Accept Pause frame and issue Pause frame,
same as Bothway.
Flow Control
R N/A N/A Current Flow control result with link partner.
Users can only monitor following items: Link Status / Current Type / Flow Control Status.
Users can set up the following items: Admin Status / Type Config / Flow Control