
MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger is a utility that lets you create Actions. An Action defines a command to
execute whenever an event occurs across a set of devices. Device Status Events are conditions
signaled by messages like Paper Tray Missing or Toner Low. Folder Events are signaled when
devices enter and/or exit a particular folder.
During the installation of MarkVision Professional, you are asked to select the components to install.
To install MarkVision Messenger, check MarkVision Messenger.
If the MarkVision Server is your default Web server, you can access MarkVision Messenger from any
browser by entering:
Where your server is the TCP/IP hostname or address of the workstation on which you installed the
MarkVision Server. For example, if you installed the MarkVision Server and MarkVision Messenger
on a workstation with an address of nexus.dev.yourcompany.com, you would enter:
MarkVision Messenger requires at least one MarkVision Server to be running on your
If MarkVision Professional is not your default Web server, you will need to add the 9180 port
number to the Messenger URL:
Installing MarkVision Messenger
MarkVision Messenger requires at least one MarkVision Server to be running on your network. If you
choose, you can run MarkVision Messenger multiple times on the same workstation. However, each
instance of the client must use a different configuration directory.
How does MarkVision Messenger work?
MarkVision Messenger communicates with the MarkVision Server to let you create and configure
automated responses to printer events. These responses are called Actions. When you create an
Action, you must specify three things: