Getting started
Opening the MarkVision Application on a UNIX system
If you are using MarkVision Professional from a UNIX system, you can access MVP from either a
command line or the MarkVision Professional Web Client.
Using the MVP UNIX Client from the command line:
If it is supported by your workstation, you can use the X Window system. To use MarkVision with X,
you must set the display variable.
1 Set the DISPLAY environment variable.
• Korn (ksh) and Bourne (sh) shell users type the following:
export DISPLAY
Where hostname is the name of your workstation.
• C shell users type the following:
setenv DISPLAY disphost:0.0
2 If you are running the MarkVision Professional UNIX Client on a different host computer than
your X server, make sure the remote host has permission to access your display. For
example, if the MVP UNIX Client is running on the host flora, type the following in the
command line:
xhost + flora
3 Type mvp in the command line, and then press Enter.
Using the MVP UNIX Client from a Web browser:
Once the MarkVision Web server is configured, a MarkVision Web Client starts when you connect to
/markvision on that server with your browser.
For example, to start a MarkVision Web Client on a Web server whose IP address is,
point your browser to the following URL:
Starting MarkVision Professional
When you open MarkVision Professional for the first time, select the server you want to use. Enter
the computer/hostname or IP address of the machine running the MarkVision Server, or click
Browse to locate it, and then click Connect.
If you click Browse to locate a supported MarkVision Server, the display will list several server
details. This provides you the opportunity to select which instance of the MarkVision Server you want
to use based on each individual server’s current status. For example, If you have multiple instances
of the MarkVision Server on your network, and multiple clients are currently active, you can select