Getting started
For versions earlier than MarkVision Professional 6.0, such as MarkVision for Intranets, or classic
MarkVision, we recommend that you uninstall the old version before attempting a new installation.
To export devices from classic MarkVision:
1 In Classic MarkVision, under the Configure - TCP/IP option, click the Manage Print Server
List button, and then click Export to File.
2 Enter the location where you want the file stored.
3 Once you have exported the file, you need to edit the file to accommodate the current MVP
format. Configure the file path to match the following naming convention:
IP <Ip address or hostname> <read community name> <write community name>
4 Install your new version of MVP 11.0, and then click Load in the Device Discovery task.
5 Select your updated file. Click OK. The list is imported for discovery.
Getting started
Once MarkVision has successfully installed, you are ready to access the the MarkVision Client.
Invoking the MarkVision Client
Select which version of the MarkVision Client you want to use. You can use either the MarkVision
Client Application or the MarkVision Web Client.
Opening the MarkVision Application
In the application form, the client is installed locally, so it can be launched just like any other program.
For example, in Windows environments, you can double-click the MarkVision Professional icon on
the desktop, or go to Start
Æ Programs Æ Lexmark Æ MarkVision Professional.
Accessing the MarkVision Web Client
Since the MarkVision Web Client is browser-based, you will need to open your browser and point it to
the MarkVision URL:
http://<your server>/markvision
In this URL <your server> is the IP address or hostname of the machine that is running the
MarkVision Server.
Note: If during installation you did not make MarkVision Professional the default server
on your machine, you must use the non-standard port number (9180) in the URL:
http://<your server>:9180/markvision.