
8 A-61121 May 1999
Function codes
The information printed by the Super12 Document Printer is defined
during installation.
Individual modes are defined for use with specific applications. If a
Super12 Document Printer has been installed, some or all modes may
allow use of the Super12 Document Printer. In addition, the customer-
specified information to be printed is defined for each mode.
The Super12 Document Printer provides easy installation and cleaning
of two print cartridges for 12-character printing. In addition to these
features, the following functions can be used:
F39 Variable print contrast setting — allows you to increase or
decrease the amount of ink put on the document.
F45 Print testing capability before use — allows you to test the print
quality of the Super12 Document Printer.
F48 Auto-purging with no operator intervention — allows you to
initiate an automatic purging of the print heads. This function can be
done when the transport is off.
F49 Print image alignment — allows you to specify how far to move
the left half of an image up or down on the document so it will align
with the right half of the image.
F56 Open jet/connection detection — allows you to determine
whether or not there are nonfunctional ink jets in the Super12
Document Printer. Also checks the print head(s) connection to the
flex cable to assure the print heads(s) are installed properly.
F39 — Changing the print
To change the print contrast setting:
1. Enter function code F39.
2. Press Enter. The current contrast setting will be displayed.
3. Press the up () arrow to increment, or press the down () arrow to
decrement the displayed value. Incremental values are: 12, 25, 37,
50, 62, 75, 87 and 100%.
NOTE: High contrast levels may cause ink smear on some types of
4. Press Enter to save the value.