Ve hicle-down Sensor (Service Code/Character-31/dOS)
This sensor has a weight [A] with two magnets inside, and
sends a signal to the ECU. But when the w atercraft banks
110 ∼ 130° or more to either side (in fact falls down), the
weight turns and shuts off the signal. The ECU senses this
change, and stops the fuel pump, the fuel injectors, and the
ignition system.
Hall IC [B]
Vehicle-down Sensor Connector [A]
Ground Terminal BK/W [B]
Output Terminal BL/W [C]
Power Source Terminal R/G [D]
Vehicle-down Sensor Removal
Never drop the down-sensor, especially on a hard
surface. Such a shock to the sensor can damage it.
Seat (see Hull/Engine Hood chapter)
Front Storage Pocket (see Hull/Engine Hood chapter)
Bracket Bolts [A] and Washers
Vehicle-down Sensor Connector [A]
Screws [B]
Vehicle-down Sensor [C]
Vehicle-down Sensor Installation
The UP mark [A] of the sensor should face upward.
Incorrect installation of the vehicle-down sensor
could cause sudden loss of engine power. The
rider could lose balance during certain riding situ-
ations, like leaning over in a turn, with the potential
for an accident resulting in injury or death. Ensure
that the down sensor is held in place by the sensor
Torque - Vehicle-down Sensor Mounting Screws: 1.5 N·m
(0.15 kgf·m , 13 in·lb)