Exploded View
No. Fastener
N·m kgf·m ft·lb
1 Crankshaft Sensor Cover Bolts 7.8 0.80 69 in·lb
2 Engine Bracket Mounting Bolts 29 3.0 22 L
3 Timing Rotor Bolt 29 3.0 22 L
4 Connecting Rod Nuts – – – MO, see text
5 Oil Passage Plugs 20 2.0 14 L
6 Stator Mounting Bolts 12 1.2 104 in·lb L
7 Grommet Cover Bolts 9.8 1.0 87 in·lb L
8 Magneto Cover Bolts 20 2.0 14
Output Cover Bolts
7.8 0.80 69 in·lb
10 Output Shaft 245 25.0 180 MO
11 Coupling 98 10 72
12 Crankcase Bolts (M10) 50 5.0 36 MO, S
13 Crankcase Bolts (M8) 29 3.0 22 MO, S
14 Crankcase Bolts (M8) 29 3.0 22 S
Crankcase Bolts (M6)
12 1.2 104 in·lb
D: Do not apply any grease or oil.
G: Apply grease.
L: Apply a non-permanent locking agent.
LG: Apply liquid gasket (Kawasaki Bond: 92104-1062).
M: Apply molybdenum disulfide grease.
MO: Apply molybdenum disulfide oil solution (mixture of the engine oil and molybdenum disulfide
grease in a weight ratio 10 : 1).
R: Replacement Parts.
S: Follow the specific tightening s equence.
SS: Apply silicone sealant.
WG: Apply water resistant grease.