Ignition System
Front Storage Pocket (see Hull/Engine Hood chapter)
Install the peak voltage adapter [A] into the hand tester
Connect the peak voltage adapter [A] to the ignition coil
primary lead connector [D], using the harness adapter [C].
Hand Tester [B]
Ignition Coil [E]
Spark Plugs [F]
Special Tools - H and Tester: 57001-1394
Harness Adapter: 57001-1562
Peak Voltage Adapter: 57001-1415
Type: KEK-54-9-B
Hand Tester Range: × DC 1 000 V
Primary Lead Connections
Adapter Adapter
(R, +) (BK, –)
#1, 4 Ignition Coil:
BK/W (Ground)
#2, 3 Ignition Coil:
BK/W (Ground)
To avoid extremely high voltage shocks, do not
touch the spark plugs or tester connections.
Turn the ignition switch on and push the lanyard key under
the stop button.
Pushing the starterbutton, crank the engine 4 ∼ 5 seconds
to measure the primary peak voltage.
Do not operate the starter for longer than 5 seconds. Wait
15 seconds before using it again.
Repeat the measurements 5 or more times for one ignition
Ignition Coil Primary Peak Voltage
250 V or more
Repeat the test for the other ignition coil.
If the reading is less than the specified value, see “Igni-
tion System Troubleshooting” table to determine whether
igniter is good or no good.