Turn off the ignition switch.
Remove the seat (see Frame chapter).
Disconnect both sets of 4 pin connectors [A] in the elec-
trical parts case.
Reconnect these 4 pin connectors to their opposite gray
to black and black to gray as shown.
Turn on the i gnition switch.
Observe the belt check indicator light [A].
It should be f lashing quickly.
Disconnect the belt switch at the 2 pin connectors [A]
above the torque converter cover.
Observe the belt check indicator light.
It should be flashing slowly.
Let it flash for at least five seconds.
More than five seconds is OK.
While observing the belt check indicator light, turn off the
ignition switch.
Disconnect the mismatched 4 pin connector sets and re-
connect them normally. (Black to black, gray to gray) [A]