Drive Belt
Drive Belt Removal
Remove the drive pulley [A] (see Drive Pulley Removal).
Before removing, observe the direction the belt’s printed
information [A] (such as manufacturer’s name) is facing
so that it may be reinstalled on the pulleys to rotate in
the same direction as originally installed.
Lift the drive belt [B] off the driven pulley [C].
Drive Belt Installation
Be sure the printed information faces the same direc-
tion so the belt rotates in the same direction as origi-
nally installed. W hen installing a new belt, install it so
the printed information [A] can be read from beside the
Installation is basically the reverse of removal.
Loop the belt [B] over the driven pulley [C].
Install the drive pulley (see Drive Pulley Installation).
Put the transmission in neutral, and rotate the driven pul-
ley to allow the belt to return to the top [A] of the sheaves,
before measuring belt deflection.
Drive Belt Deflection Inspection
Refer to the Drive Belt Deflection I nspection in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Drive Belt Deflection Adjustment
Refer to the Drive Belt Deflection Adjustment in the Peri-
odic Maintenance chapter.
Drive Belt Inspection
Refer to the Drive Belt Inspection in the Periodic Mainte-
nance chapter.