Front Final Gear Case
Variable Differential Control Cable Installation
Lubrication the variable differential control cable before
Route the cable correctly according to the Appendix chap-
Operation with an improperly adjusted, incorrectly
routed, or dam aged cable could result in an unsafe
operating condition.
To rque - Variable Differential Control Cable Locknut [A]: 17
N·m (1.7 kgf·m, 12 ft·lb)
Check the variable differential control lever play (see Vari-
able Differential Control Lever Play Inspection in Periodic
Maintenance chapter).
Variable Differential Cont r ol Cable Lubrication
Whenever the variable differential control cable is re-
moved, lubricate the cable as follows:
Apply a small amount of multi-purpose grease to the cable
(both ends).
Lubricate the cable with a penetrating rust inhibitor
through the pressure cable luber.
Variable Differential Control Cable Inspection
With the variable differential control cable disconnected at
both ends, the cable should move freely within the cable
If the cable does not move freely after lubricating, if the
cable is frayed, or if the housing is kinked, replace the
Front Final G ear Case Removal
Drain the gear case oil (see Front Final Gear Case O il
Change in Periodic Maintenance chapter).