Inter-Tel 3000
Administrator’s Manual
The call can be forwarded to the group voice mailbox if one has been programmed for the group.
.The incoming call to the Hunt Group, will ring each available extension, once it reaches that last extension
it will forward the call to the group mailbox after the forward on no answer timer expires.
The call can be forwarded to another group or extension. You can forward calls to an extension in the hunt
group provided that it is not the last available member ringing in the group. If the last extension to ring on
the Hunt Group is the destination of the divert, the call will not be forwarded to this extension.
All forwarding, internal or external, programmed for the group is acted on as follows:
If “Do-Not-Disturb ”is activated by an extension, the phone is not called and the call is presented to
another free extension in the group.
If all the extensions in a group activate “Do Not Disturb”, the call is presented to extension 20. Extension
20 cannot activate Do-Not-Disturb.
If the group is Busy, the call is queued to the group and Call Waiting is presented to all the Busy extensions
in the group.
Note: Linear is when calls are always presented to the first available extension in the group.
Note: Circular is when calls are always presented to the next available extension in the hunt group.
Note: Longest Idle is when calls are presented so that they are evenly distributed to all extensions in the
group. Calls are presented to the free extension with the longest time interval after handling an incoming
Example of Call Handling with a Hunt Group:
We want 3 extensions to be programmed in a Hunt Group and we want this group to have a voice mail if
the last extension to ring does not answer.
We need to program the 3 extensions to a Hunt Group. Then we need to program this group with a voice
mailbox. Now we need to program a Line to call this Hunt Group. Timers to adjust are Forward No Answer
(15 seconds) and Hunt Group Timer (15 seconds).
The way Inter-Tel 3000 will handle this call is:
Call will ring first extension on the group, when the Hunt Group Timer expires, it will go to the second
extension on the group, once the Hunt Group Timer expires, it will go to the third and last extension on the
group, the forward in no answer will apply and the call will go to the mailbox for that Hunt Group.
Group Programming
This option is used to allocate extensions to groups and to designate the type of group: a Ring group or hunt
group. When a group is programmed, it can be associated with lines, Caller ID numbers and the Door
Phone. If a group is programmed and no lines, Caller ID numbers or Door Phone are associated with it, it is
an Internal group. A total of 20 groups can be programmed. The first group is programmed with extensions
20-27 at Power Up. A maximum of 16 extensions can be programmed for a group.
All groups can be called from other extensions.
• From the programming extension, press the PROGRAM key.
• Press the Scroll Down key () until “System Programming” is displayed.
• Select “System Programming”.
• Enter the System Programming Password and select “Group Programming”.
• The 20 groups are shown. Select the group.
• Two options are shown Ring group and hunt group. Select “Ring Group”. The menu showing the
equipped extensions is displayed. Select those extensions to be programmed in the group.