SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
To perform a standard purge
1. Backup the TRAPOD file to tape, if desired. You will need to issue the ENDTRP
command BEFORE beginning the backup.
2. Select Option 8 from the Special Jobs Menu or use the STRPRG command.
3. Enter the number of days to retain information in the TRAPOD file or enter the date to
purge through. The default is to retain the information for thirty days.
4. You can direct the processing of the purge to a specific job queue.
If you leave the default value of *JOBD, then the default job queue for your job will be
If you choose to use a different job queue, you can enter the name here. You must have
the job queue’s library name in your job’s library list when you use this option.
5. If you ended logging prior to performing a backup, issue the STRTRP command to
restart logging.
You can use the following command instead of the menu option:
This will purge the TRAPOD file and retain 60 days of data. The number of days must be
entered as three characters, i.e., 020 for 20 days.