SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Setting up for ANONYMOUS FTP
1. Create a user profile on the System i5 called ANONYMOUS, with password *NONE and
user class *USER, and set the Current Library.
2. From the Special Jobs Menu, select Option 3 - Change Special FTP Server Settings or
use CHGFTPSET command along with F4
3. Set the parameters as follows:
If you want to allow OS/400 users other than ANONYMOUS to log in through FTP
server set parameter RLOGON to*YES
Enter the library name to which the user is restricted in parameter ALIBR
Enter the type of password you want the user to enter - E-mail or Guest, or both
Enter the OS/400 user profile in parameter AUSRPRF that was created in Step 1
Enter password for the ANONYMOUS user profile in APWD parameter
4. Press ENTER
5. Return to the SafeNet/400 Main Menu
6. Select Option 1 - Work with Server Security Settings or use WRKSRV command
7. Locate the FTP Logon Server point
8. Change the FTP Logon Server to Level 3
9. Change the FTP Server Validation point to Level 4. If you want to allow for anonymous
logons, you MUST
set this to Level 4
10. From the SafeNet/400 Main Menu
, select Option 2 -Work with User to Server Security
or use WRKUSRSRV command
11. Grant the ANONYMOUS user profile authority to the FTP Logon and FTP Server Request
Validation server points.
12. From the SafeNet/400 Main Menu, select Option 3 - Work with User to Object Level
Security or use WRKUSROBJ command
13. Grant the ANONYMOUS user authority to the library entered in step 3 above (Current
Library), and specifically to any objects within the library. Or, enter *ALL for all object
and then assign the required data rights.