
SafeNet/400 Reference Guide
Copyright 2008 MP Associates of Westchester, Inc.
V8.50 - May 2008
Usage Reports
These reports are accessed through the SafeNet/400 Main Menu, Option 12 – Go to Analysis
Reports Menu (GO SN4 command).
Menu SN4 options 2 through 7 also give you the ability to run auto-enrollment reports and
perform the auto-enrollment process.
1. Security Report by User (Also Batch Transaction Test Report)
Lists each request by user, the Server Functions they are requesting, the server’s security
level setting, and whether the request was accepted or rejected.
Can also be used as a test report to recheck all historical transactions against current and
future SafeNet/400 settings.
Allows “what if” testing of all historical transactions against current and future control
file settings to see if further set up is required.
2. User to Server Usage Report
Using historical transactions, lists each server a user has accessed
3. User to Object Usage Report
Using historical transactions, lists each LIB/OBJ a user has accessed and the type of
access, i.e., READ, WRITE, DELETE.
4. User to SQL Usage Report
From historical transactions, lists each SQL operation performed by each user.
5. User to FTP Usage Report
From historical transactions, lists each FTP operation performed by each user.
6. User to CL Command Usage Report
Using historical transactions, lists each CL command issued by each user.
7. User to IFS Path Usage Report
Using historical transactions, lists each path accessed by each user.