
If Advanced Function Presentation is available on another printer, you may want to
begin the conversion effort before you install the 3130. Some tasks to consider
Changing font character sets
Converting line-printer applications to page-printer applications
Converting preprinted forms to electronic overlays
Creating new applications by using electronic overlays
Enhancing existing applications to take advantage of 3130 functions
Investigating applications that have special programming requirements.
240-Pel to 300-Pel Migration Considerations (IPDS-Only)
The 3130 can print at 240-pel or 300-pel resolution. Usually, converting from
240-pel to 300-pel resolution requires little effort. You may need to evaluate
applications that create complex printed pages with images, multiple fonts,
graphics, and overlays for visual differences that occur at 300-pel resolution.
The following sections describe some more issues to consider if you choose to
migrate from 240-pel to 300-pel resolution.
IOCA Images and IM Images
The 3130 printer supports image printing in one of two formats: IM image or IOCA
image. If you print at 300-pel resolution, 240-pel IM images are automatically
converted to IOCA and scaled to 300-pels.
While the 300-pel image and the 240-pel image will be the identical size, you may
see some differences in the shading, diagonal lines, and curves of the image.
Applications that produce images that are sensitive to exact duplication should be
tested before migrating them to 300-pel resolution.
GOCA Objects
Graphical objects defined with vectors should look the same at 240-pel or 300-pel
resolution because the 3130 builds the bit map for GOCA objects.
When migrating print workload to the 3130, first determine if the fonts used by the
application are resident in the 3130 or supported by the IBM PSF software as
300-pel raster fonts. Appendix A, “3130 Font Set” on page 37 details the fonts
that the 3130 supports.
If the font you need is supported by the 3130, the 300-pel version of the font will be
provided either from the resident outline font library or from the host raster-font
library, to be downloaded from the host.
Chapter 3. Preparing the Processing Environment 15