Implementation Plan
The following checklist contains many of the major tasks that must be
performed before and during 3130 installation. Use this checklist as a basis for
developing your own detailed implementation plan.
Also, note that the tasks you need to perform depend on whether or not you are
already running Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) programs.
Step One–Identify Team and Plan Layout
1. Identify the people who can prepare the physical site, identify and test
required software, and configure the host systems. Make sure to plan for
the 3130
the attachment you use to connect it to your host system.
2. Order the 3130, including optional features you require, such as extra
3. Order any cabling, lines, equipment, or software you require for the
attachment you use to connect the 3130 to your host system.
4. (IPDS-only) Order the IBM Advanced Function Presentation licensed
programs required for your system. If you already use IBM Advanced
Function Presentation licensed programs, make sure that they are at the
service level required to support the 3130.
5. Make sure the host operating system is at the level required to support the
Advanced Function Presentation licensed programs and their updates
(IPDS) and printer drivers and colon files (PostScript and PCL5e).
6. (IPDS-only) Determine which printer resolution will be used, and ensure that
the host library resources (fonts, page segments, overlays, FORMDEFs,
and PAGEDEFs) are compatible with the printer resolution you select.
7. Prepare a plan for selecting and testing forms for use with the 3130.
8. Determine the location for the 3130 and arrange for any changes to the
9. Identify the internal delivery route for the 3130.
10. Prepare a space layout plan.
11. Determine who will install the electrical wiring and outlets.
12. Create a conversion plan for line-printer data and electronic overlays.
13. Prepare a plan for creating, converting, and testing applications that will be
used with the 3130.
Step Two–Review Plans, Order Supplies, and Prepare Site
1. Review installation plans with the IBM installation planning representative.
See “Physical Installation Worksheet” on page 23 for the worksheet.
2. Order initial supplies for the 3130.
3. Ensure that attachment hardware is on order.
4. Schedule the installation of lines and equipment required for the
10 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide