Related Publications
IBM 3130 Advanced Function Printer: User's Guide
, S544-5337, describes how to
operate the 3130.
IBM 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Administrator's Guide
, S544-5328, describes
job management, attachment configurations, font management, and other
considerations for the 3130.
IBM InfoPrint 60; 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printer: Attachment
Configuration Handbook
, S544-3977, provides information to help you configure
your system for the 3130 attachment you use.
Before the customer engineer can install the 3130, you must complete a
configuration worksheet for the attachment you plan to use. Simplified versions
of these worksheets are available in this book (see “System Attachments” on
page 26); however, for detailed worksheets, instructions, and examples, please
refer to the
IBM InfoPrint 60; 3130, 3160, and 3935 Advanced Function Printer:
Attachment Configuration Handbook
, S544-3977, If you do not have a copy of
the handbook, ask your marketing representative to obtain one for you.
For a list of publications that describe Advanced Function Page Printers and related
printing tools, see “Bibliography” on page 73.
For a more extensive listing of available publications, refer to
Advanced Function
Presentation: Printer Information
, G544-3290.
For more information about Advanced Function Presentation, refer to the
Guide to
Advanced Function Presentation
, G544-3876.
Contact your IBM marketing representative for information concerning the 3130, its
documentation, or its associated licensed programs.
x 3130 Advanced Function Printer: Introduction and Planning Guide