
Hitachi Command Control Interface (CCI) User and Reference Guide 313
Online backup used ‘raidscan-find sync’ for Windows 2008/2003/2000 file system:
‘raidscan-find sync’ flushes the system buffer associated to a logical drive through
finding a Volume{guid} which corresponds to a group of the configuration file so that the
user will be able to use without using -x mount and -x umount commands. The following
is an example for group ORB.
P-VOL Side S-VOL Side
Freeze DB on opening PVOL by APP.
Flush the system buffer for PVOL using
“raidscan -pi $Volume -find sync -g ORB “.
Splits the paired volume using
“pairsplit -g ORB” with r/w mode.
Unfreeze DB on opening PVOL by APP.
Resynchronize the paired volume using
“ pairresync -g ORB”.
Flush the system buffer for NEW SVOL data using
“ raidscan -pi $Volume -find sync -g ORB “.
Back up the SVOL data.
Flush the system buffer for SVOL updates using
“ raidscan -pi $Volume -find sync -g ORB “
when the backup is finished.
PVOL side must stop the “WRITE IO” to the logical drive which corresponds to a [-g
name] before issuing the “raidscan -find sync” command.
SVOL side must close the logical drive which corresponds to a [-g name] before issuing
the “raidscan -find sync” command.